Daisho Tsuba: Choshuzumi Tomokata(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu)

Ordering number:F23331

Daisho Tsuba:Fuki Sukashi(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu)
Mei(signature): Choshuzumi Tomokata

Length:7.62cm x 7.26cm (3.00 in x 2.86 in)
Thickness of rim:0.52cm(0.20 in)

Length:7.33 cm x 6.93 cm(2.89in x 2.73in)
Thickness of rim:0.58 cm(0.23in)
Era: Edo period

Special Feature:On the iron plate, butterburs (蕗) are engraved with color.

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu paper
Aoi Art estimation paper
In Kiri box.

Price:175,000 JPY-.

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Japanese Sword Museum