Ordering number : 18614
Wakizashi in Shirasaya with Koshirae.(NBTHK Kicho paper)
Signature : Daihoshi Hokyo Rai Kinmichi.
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku)
This sword belongs to Joy Jyo saki ranking.
The blade was polished.
Habaki :Gold wrapped double habaki.
Blade length : 48.2 cm or 19 inches.
Sori :1.212 cm or 0.477 inches.
Mekugi : 3
Width at the hamachi : 3.055cm or 1.2 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.4 cm or 0.95 inches.
Kasane : 0.68 cm or 0.27 inches.
Era : Edo period Keian era. 1648.
Shape : The blade is wide and thick with deep sori
and longer kissaki nice volume healthy sword.
Jigane :Itame had well grained with jinie attach and visible to see the texture.
Hamon :Niedeki suguha from the Hamachi, and gunome midare.
Boshi is sansaku style round shape.
special feature: 2nd generation Rai kinmichi is called Dai Hokyo Rai Kinmichi.
Generally his sword is rather slender sword but this sword is
wide and thick gorgeous healthy blade.
Koshirae :
Saya : deep brown color massage designe saya.
Tsuba :On the round iron Tsuba, bamboo shape is inlayed by brass design.
Menuki : fish design ia engraved with gold color.
Kurikata:On the iron plate, silver design is painted.
Fuchikashira: On the iron plate, some design is engraved by silver.
From Aoi Art:This Wakizashi is healthy wood and thick nice item.
The Koshirae is nice attractive item.
NBTHK Kicho paper
Aoi Art estimation paper : Whole Oshigata.
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