Order number: 16731
Katana in Shirasaya (NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)
Signature :Sashu Ju Masayoshi. Ou Higo Daijo Ootuki Kiyofusa Ju Zo No.
Anei 6 Tori 2gatsu.
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku)
This sword belongs to Jyo-Jyo saku ranking.
The blade is polished by good polisher.
Habaki :silver single habak.
Blade length :70.8 cm or 27.9 inches.
Sori : 1.0cm or 0.39 inches.
Mekugi : 2
Width at the Hamachi : 3.17cm or 1.25inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.2cm or0.87 inches.
Kasane : 0.75cm or 0.3 inches.
Era : Edo period Anei era(1778)
Shape : The blade is about 3 cm suriage(cut shortened) wide and thick
with Bo-hi is engraved both sides of the blade. Boshi is long kissaki nice looking shape.
Jigane :Koitame hada well grained with jinie attach blackish beautiful texture.
Hamon :Niedeki Huto-suguha with thick nioikuchi double hamon
and fat ashi especially. From the monouchi to kissaki ia very active marvelous hamon.
Special feauture : Sassyu Jyu Masayoshi is 2nd generation Ichiji Masayoshi who was born Kyoho 18th(1733)
and succeeded 3rd generation and named Masayoshi.
He engrave the signature Sasyu Jyu Masayoshi, Satsuma Kanko Taira Masayoshi,
Hoki Kami Ason Masayuki. He produced many swords for Satsuma daimyo family.He got the title of Hoki Kami
at Kansei first year December 1st.After that he gave his name Masayoshi to his eldest son.
The hamon is Notare and suguha with very thick nioikuchi with fat ashi wild feeling hamon.
At a glance, the blade looks Sosyu upper class like Go style. At Satsuma province, Masayoshi
and Motohira are reformed to as the twin jewels of
the sword society in Kyusyu.This sword is engraved customs order Higo Daijyo Ootuki Kiyofusa
on the tang.Probably he must be some sword smith at that period.
Accoding to the book, Higo Daijyo Ootuki Kiyofusa is mentioned as Satsuma swordsmith.
So I think his 2nd Kiyohusa must be ordered this sword.
The blade ia powerful active typical satuma blade. Even though small suriage nakago, we recommend this sword for you.
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Paper
Aoi Art estimation paper : whole Oshigata.
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