Ordering number: 22669
Katana in Shirasaya(NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)
Signature :Tairyusai Sokan Tsukuru Kore Nisshu Takanabe Tame Okamoto Shi Kitaeru Kore
泰龍斎宗寛造之 日州高鍋為岡本氏鍛之
Keio 4 Nen Shogatsu Hi
shinshinto:Jyo saku: Musashi
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyojyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku)
This sword belongs to Jyo Jyo saku ranking.
Habaki: Silver single Habaki
The blade is polished.
Blade length : 69.7cm or 27.44inches.
Sori:1.06 cm or 0.41inches.
Width at the hamachi:3.24cm or 1.27inches.
Width at the Kissaki:2.65 cm or 1.04inches.
Kasane :0.69cm or 0.27inches.
The weight of the sword:835grams
Era: Keio 4, the Edo period
Shape: Tha blade is broad and thick with Mitsumune shape and Ububa left. Sori is
adequate and Kissaki is very long and large. Well-shaped.
Jigane: Koitame is dense like plain. Utsuri is visible.
Hamon: Koniedeki, mainly Nioideki after that, similarly tall Gunomemidare. Ashi works
slightly long. Boshi is long and Gunomemidare goes on.
Special feature: Tairyusai Sokan is a pupil of Koyama Munetsugu.
He passed away in Meiji 16. He is an elaborate swordsmith and his “similarly tall Gunomemidare”
is unbelievably beautiful. He uses Reisho style for his Mei.
He made swords near Abukuma river in Shirakawa, Oushu. He moved to Edo and lived in Hakozakicho in Fukagawa.
From Aoi Art: This work has Ubu-Nakago. Kissaki is big and Hamon is beautiful.
it looks very sturdy and we can see Utsuri near Gunomemidare. Mei says that this blade was made
by Tairyusai Sokan for Mr. Okamoto of Nisshu Takanabe Domain.
NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon paper
Aoi Art estimation paper: whole Oshigata by Ayaka Tsuruta
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