Ordering number: F15968
Mei (signature) : mumei (Ito)
Length : 7.42cm x 7.10 cm ( 2.92 inches x 2.79 inches)
Thickness of rim : 0.39 cm ( 0.15 inches)
Weight: 107 grams
Jidai(era) : Middle Edo Period
Weight: 107grams.
Special feature: Round shape iron Tsuba with cherry blossom design engraved and inlaid with gold.
Masatoshi was active during Bunsei period and also was a student of Masatsune who was one of the metal smithes of Edo Ito School.
The iron plate is good but we recommend wiping by soft cloth, the surface will be a more smooth feeling.
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.
Price : 50,000 JPY-. (including the shipping fee)