Ordering number :F18439
Menuki : (NBTHK Hozon Paper)
Mei (signature) : mumei(Unsigned) Ko-kinko
Length 1 : 2.52 cm x 1.66 cm (0.99in x 0.65in)
Length 2 : 2.45 cm x 1.68 cm (0.96in x 0.66in
Jidai(era) :Late Muromachi to Azuchi Momoyama era. 1570.
Special feature: Ko kinko means that the Kodo-gu was made before Azuchi momoyame period. At Muromachi period most of Menuki was made by Syakudo plate which are simple items.
From Aoi Art:This Menuki is engraved foster men who were carrying fish catch nets. The Menuki is rather small size but nice well engraving and good condition.
NBTHK Hozon Paper
AOI estimation paper
In Kiri box.
Price :65,000 JPY-. (including the shipping fee)
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