Ordering Number: 24236
Wakizashi in Shirasaya (NNBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token)
Unshu Tadayoshi Tsukuru Kore 雲州忠善造之
Tame Kimura Fumio family 為木村文雄家重代
August, 1981 昭和五十六年八月
Unshu Tadayoshi Showa 56 nen
blade length : 1 Shakud 3 Sun 1 Bu
written in 1981 for Mr. Kumura Fumio by Kunzan
According to our evaluation system based on the craftsmanship of the swordsmith, this work is ranked as Jyojyo Saku (Excellent work) for Unshu Tadahiro 2nd generation.
Blade Length: 39.6cm (15.6in)
Curvature: 0.6cm (0.2in)
Mekugi Holes: 1
Width at Base (Motohaba): 3.5cm (1.4in)
Thickness (Kasane): 1.8cm(0.7in)
Sword Weight:435g
Era: modern times, 1981
Jigane: extremely fine Koitame hada
Hamon: Nie base gentluy wavy Hamon with faint Ashi.
Features: Kawashima Tadayoshi 2nd generation was a modern swordsmith in Shimane. He won many awards and became Mukansa swordsmith in 1972.
From Aoi-Art: This piece has stout shape and the hamon with faint Ashi is very attractive and beautiful.
NBTHK Certificate (issued later)
Aoi-Art estimation paper
whole Oshigata
Please note: this price does not include an international shipping fees.
Auction Starting Price:350,000JPY
The item was sold at the auction
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