Ordering Number: 24331
Wakizashi in Shirasaya(NBTHK Hozon Token)
Signature: Houshu Takada-ju Fujiwara Teruyuki 豊州高田住藤原輝行
At our company, we classify swords into four categories based on the craftsmanship: Saijyo Saku, Jyojyo Saku, Jyo Saku, and Regular Saku.
This sword is ranked as Jyo Saku.
Habaki: gold wrapped double habaki
Blade Length: 55.4 cm
Curvature: 1.8 cm M
Mekugi hole: 1
Width at Base:3.03 cm
Width at Tip: 2.08 cm
Thickness: 0.77 cm
Weight: 570g
Period: the early Edo period around Enpo era(1673-1681)
Shape: wide blade with deep curveture. Bohi is carced. on the both sides.
Jigane: fine Ko-itame hada
Hamon: Nioideki Gunome midare. Boshi is rounded and turns back roundly, and long Yaki is in Shinogi-ji.
Characteristics: Shinto: Chusaku: Bungo
This piece is sound and well made with fine jigane.
The swordsmiths of Kyushu often made stout pieces.
Please note: This price does not include international shipping fees.
Price:250,000 JPY-.