Ordering Number:F24375-1
Kogatana in Shirasaya
Inscription: Ko-Kaji Yoshindo 小鍛治 義人
Sayagaki: Kanmuri-otoshi Kogatana made in 2004, lucky day by Ko-kaji Yoshinto
At our company, we classify the workmanship of swordsmiths into four categories: Supreme Work, Superior Work, Excellent Work, and Ordinary Work. This piece is ranked as Superior Work.
Blade Length: 14.8cm (5.8in)
Mekugi Holes: 0
Width at the Base: 1.3cm (0.5in)
Thickness : 0.2cm (0.1in)
Sword Weight: 25 grams
Era: Modern
Body Shape: Kanemochi style Kogatana
Jigane: gine Ko-itame hada
Hamon: Niedeki roundish Gunome midare .Boshi turns back deeply and Yaki is in Shinogi-ji.
Features: Yoshindo is one of the top class of modern swordsmiths and has outstanding skills. He has won many awards, and is certiied as a Mukansa(exemption of examination) swordsmith.
Comment from Aoi Art: I have seen Yoshindo's Kogatana, but I have never seen a Kanmuri style tanto such this piece, and I think it is a rare piece. It shows his attention to detail and high technique.