Ordering number:24791
Katana in Shirasaya (NBTHK Hozon Paper)
Signature: Hokke Saburo Nobufusa(first generation)
(We divide 4 sections for each sword as Saijyo saku, Jyo-jyo saku Jyo saku and regular saku)
This sword belongs to Jyo saku ranking.
Blade length : 62.3 cm or 24.52 inches.
Sori : 1.6 cm or 0.62 inches.
Mekugi : 1
Width at the hamachi : 3.08 cm or 1.21 inches.
Width at the Kissaki : 2.05 cm or 0.8 inches.
Kasane : 0.67 cm or 0.25 inches.
Era : Showa war time.
Shape : The blade is regular sized healthy blade.
Jitetsu : Item hada and masa hada mixed with jinie attach.
Hamon : Niedeki suguha based gunome midare mixed soshu style.
In Ha, there are many sunagashi and kinsuji scatter.
Special feature : The found of Hokke Saburo Noguhusa is was born at meiji 42 years May 15th.
From 2nd generation Nobuhusa made Masame had from later period during his career and got the Mukansa prize and also 41st of Showa, he got the title of Jyuyo Mukei Bunkazai of Miyagi prefecture.
This Hokke family sword maker made Masame hada only.
Right now 9th generation Nobuhusa continued his sword family.
He is well known sword maker as made a sword by forging meteoric stone.
NBTHK Hozon paper.
Aoi Art estimation paper
whole Oshigata.
*Please note: The price does not include shipping fees.
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